Siren Head

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  • Description
  • How to play?

Some monsters are so dreadful that they can scare you to death only by their appearance. If you believe you are brave enough for meeting such a personage, welcome to Siren Head, an adventure that will let you feel real fear. This time, you will find yourself in the forest, completely alone. Something has happened to your car, and you need to walk now through this spooky location. You have only a torch in your hands to find the way through the dense trees. But you have heard something not very nice about this place. Rumors say a monster lives here.

Will you safely finish your trip?

You know lots of people disappeared in this forest. It is believed they became victims of a terrible creature. No one ever met him. But they say it looks weird – very slim body and sirens attached instead of the head. The being produces deafening sound and easily catches any sound in the distance. Will you manage to walk without attracting his attention? If you fail to do it, you are doomed!

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